Saturday, September 25, 2004

Draft of Query letter to Bar Council of Gujarat

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This is in reference to the complaint filed by Mr. Pankaj Mody against practicing high court advocate Mr. Saurabh Soparkar to Bar Council of Gujarat in September 2002 while the copy of complaint despatched by Bar Council of Gujarat to Mr. Saurabh Soparkar in July 2003 that is after nine months of initial complaint and immediately after the adverse orders passed in appeal from order 176/2003 in June 2003. The complaint was registered as complaint no 38/2002 by you.

You must be aware that Global Trust Bank has collapsed recently and its management being shielded for obvious reasons by Reserve Bank of India by announcing seheme of merger with Oriental Bank of Commerce spontaneously. In this connection , we would quickly like to draw your attention to the following information and solicit your extensive and wholehearted support in exposing the management of GTB which has collapsed recently and exposing the management of Core Health care where the financial institutions have lost over Rs 750 crores .

1. Core Health care has robbed the financial institutions to the tune of Rs 750 crores while the shareholders have incurred heavy loss on account of market price plummeting from as high as 500 to less than Rs 10 /share while Mr. Sushil Handa continues to maintain a lavish personal life style.

2. Saurabh Soparkar and Amar Bhatt both have been representing Core Health care interest and appearing in the courts from time to time.

3. All of you would be aware by now that on behalf of Core Health care no one appeared in CRA 25 and 26/2002 including Mr. Saurabh Soparkar and Amar Bhattt who have acted as their advocates and appeared in their matters in Gujarat High Court .

4. All of you would be aware by now that in the appeal from order 176/2003 in 2003 , Mr. Mody has appeared as party in person demonstrating his supreme conviction in the matter and inspite of Mr. Soparkar having acknowledged receipt of Mr. Mody’s of allegations letter dated 10-5-2002 and 6-8-2002 , Mr. Soparkar has not dared to appear in the appeal from order 176/2003 even when he appeared as counsel in CRA25 and CRA26/2002 clearly demonstrates that he is timid and has guilty conscience .

5. All of you would be aware that no one had appeared on behalf of Global Trust Bank , Core Health care and Jatin Jalundhwala in CRA 25 and 26/2002 as well as in appeal from order 176/2003.

6. All of you are aware by this time, that Mr. Saurabh Soparkar has deliberately evaded to furnish stamped affidavit of Mr. Jatin Jalundhwala , Mr. Hemant Kashiparekh as referred in the original complaint.

7. All of you are aware that Mr. Hemant Kashiparekh had sought Mr. Soparkar’s appointment inspite of his denial.

8. All of you are aware that Mr. Saurabh Soparkar has failed to take any legal action against Mr. Mody even when he has financial resources , contacts and legal background. to defend his integrity and strength of character.

9. All of you are aware that even when no one had appeared on behalf of GTB, Core Health care, Jatin Jalundhwala , brief , non-speaking adverse orders have been passed in the appeal from order 176/2003.

10. All of you are aware that inspite of Mr. Soparkar’s name referred as an escrow person , he has not taken initiative to come forward and tell the judiciary that his name has been unnecessarily dragged in the banking fraud connected with GTB and it is necessary that indepth investigation is carried out by recording statement of Amar Bhatt , Dhanyushya Financial and Jatin Jalundhwala as well as GTB as to how they claim ownership of Rupmanglam Investment property and company to create charge on the immoveable property and taking legal action on GTB for creating an illegal charge on the assets.

In view of above and in the interest of social responsibility to protect the citizens of the society as well as the members of large lawyer community and their clients it would be prudent that the committee members of Bar Council of Gujarat takes initiative to expose GTB and employees of Core Health care and failure to do so would mean that the Bar Council of Gujarat does not give a damn for the society but wants to protect and shield acts of fraud of Mr. Soparkar and this would tarnish the image of Bar Council of Gujarat and the laywers in the eyes of public.

Your immediate views would be appreciated so as to ascertain transparency and openness as well as receptivity as well as strong urge and commitment to protect the interest of common public.


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